Frequently Asked Question

What is PinjamWifi?

PinjamWifi is a wifi router rental service that you can use when traveling abroad so you can stay connected with an internet connection anytime and anywhere. You can connect it to a laptop, cell phone or tablet with a secure internet connection network.

Why Choose PinjamWifi?

  • PinjamWifi makes it easy for you to always be connected to the internet network wherever you are outside Indonesia.
  • You no longer need to die in style when outside the hotel, because it depends on the hotel’s weak wifi connection.
  • You will be free from expensive roaming fees.
  • You can use a borrowed wifi device with up to 5 devices that you want to connect to the internet, be it with your family or for business trips with friends so you can enjoy the internet on your trip without any obstacles.
  • Pinjamwifi has been configured and does not require any installation and does not require a SIM card. Simply by pressing the ON / Power button on the device and enjoy your internet network.

How do I order services from PinjamWifi?

We recommend that you make an online order D-3 before your departure. You can order wifi loan services via:

Our website through the RESERVATION page
The Contact Person listed on the website on the CONTACT US page

When will you receive PinjamWifi device?

D-1 before departure, we will make sure that the borrowed wifi device has arrived in your hands. Jabodetabek and Bandung areas can be sent via JNE, J&T or Go-Jek courier services. Outside of these areas we recommend JNE-YES.

What do you get when you rent the Pinjamwifi service?

In each rental, you will get:

  • pouch for storing devices
  • routers (wifi devices)
  • Cables & Chargers

Do I have to pay a deposit?

Yes, the deposit must be paid together with the time of paying the rental fee. The deposit fee is IDR 500,000 and we will return it after the PinjamWifi device has returned to us in good condition.

What if I cancel an order?

Each booking cancellation that has been recorded will incur a fee of 10% of the total rental price.

How much quota do I get?

Depending on the mobile data plan that is chosen, pinjamwifi has 2 data plan option ranging from FUP quota:
-FUP Quota 600MB/Day

If you have reached the maximum quota, you will still be connected to the internet but with decreased data speed. The use of this 600MB quota will be restarted the next day.
-Truly Unlimited (no daily quota and no speed down).

How do you repair a borrowed wifi device when it is damaged?

Restart the device first because we have confirmed that the borrowed wifi device is in good condition before sending it to the customer’s address. If it continues, you can contact our customer service.

When do I have to return PinjamWifi device?

You can return the device when the device rental contract period ends according to a predetermined date. For the address and return procedure you can see on how to return and we will provide further information.

Is there a penalty fee if it is late to return or lose it?

An extra rental fee will be charged from the third day starting from the day you arrive in Indonesia. Extra fees are obtained from the balance of your deposit fee with us.
If you experience a disaster and a loss occurs on the borrowed wifi device, the fees you have deposited become the property of the borrower and are not returned.

Wifi device: IDR 1,500,000
Adapter: IDR 50,000
USB cable: IDR 50,000
Pouch Wifi : IDR 75,000
Cancellation Fee: 10% of the total rental price, maximum cancellation 4 days before departure
Late: Worth the cost of the daily rental

Depending on the mobile data plan that is chosen, Pinjamwifi has 2 data plan option ranging from FUP quota:
-FUP Quota 600MB/Day

If you have reached the maximum quota, you will still be connected to the internet but with decreased data speed. The use of this 600MB quota will be restarted the next day.

-Truly Unlimited (no daily quota and no speed down).
you can use our data as much as you want with no daily quota and speed down.

How it Works